A new link available through ACDelco.com makes accessing Safety Data Sheets for ACDelco
fluids, chemicals and other GM products easy and convenient. The sheets detail the various
health and physical hazards, physical properties and safety precautions necessary for the
storage, transport and disposal of the various chemicals contained in the products.
To access the information, click on Safety Data Sheets located within the Technical Resources
tab at ACDelco.com. Neither a password nor registration is required.

On the Safety Data Sheets landing page, enter the GM or ACDelco part number in the search box for the most precise quest. Or, use the name from the product label or a generic product description, such as 5W-30, for example.

If multiple Safety Data Sheets appear, click the icon to launch the desired one. To perform another search, select Revise Search.
Note that, while viewing the Safety Data Sheet, it can also be downloaded or printed from your browser.